Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Chapter: 2012

Now that I've had a few days to bask in all the glory that was 2011, I have some goals {resolutions, what have you} to set for 2012. This task has been on my mind on/off over the last couple weeks but I was finally able to sit down and write down what's important to me and how to make sure that those values stand out next year.

Rather than coming up with the stereotypical "resolutions", I have decided to set goals. These will be more general in some areas but also doesn't set me up for failure, which is a huge contribution for motivation to complete goals...if you set the bar too high you might overwhelm yourself and not go for it {at least in my experience...golden example: P90X...I was determined to do it right off the bat and full force when I haven't worked out for more than two days in a row since playing volleyball in high school; needless to say, I didn't do so well on that}.

I broke it down into five sets of goals: Family, Personal {pertaining only to myself emotionally, spiritually, and mentally}, Professional, Fitness, and Creative. After each goal, I specified examples of how to reach that goal. Not only does this give me a kick-start if I feel stuck, but doesn't put me in a box, either.

WARNING: This post does not feature any photos! I wanted the focus to be on my goals and what I want to accomplish, something I can post and review and don't need to filter through distractions to remember. A huge part of posting this on the blog is to ignite the desire to complete it; I want to reference these goals in future posts to document my progress and see where 2012 brings me.

Family Goals:
  • Be a More Attentive Wife and Mother
    • Set aside date nights with my husband once a month
    • Keep up with the housework better than I have been {try to do a thorough clean once a week}
    • Plan activities with the girls often - both together and as individuals - that will help them grow, learn, and have fun, but most importantly create treasured memories
  • Manage Finances Better
    • Create monthly budgets {oooh how I love Excel, I'm excited about this!}
    • Assist my husband in the upkeep of business paperwork
    • Save, save, save
  • Organize, Create, and Manage an Efficient Household
    • Chore charts, Organization, Household Binder, and Home Decor {for fun}
Personal Goals:
  • Keep in Touch With Friends {in all the hustle and bustle of life, I have found that months pass before I realize I haven't spoken to a good friend, and that breaks my heart. I am blessed to have so many amazing women in my life and I need to ensure that I am not losing any of them in the daily blitz.
    • Plan "Ladies Nights" similar to the Christmas dinner - laid back, cozy, inexpensive, and fun
    • Send out birthday cards - yes, in the mail!
    • Pick up the phone once in a while and CALL a good friend to see how they are doing - don't rely solely on social media or text messages to rebuild a friendship
  • Attend Church
    • Saying I will go every Sunday is one of those details that will essentially force me to fail on this one, so I'm going to set the goal of going once a month
    • Remember to pray - it's the basis of my childhood and in troubled times or good, God needs to be a focus
  • Keep a Journal
    • I want to remember these moments down the road; the big ones and the little ones {this might include revisiting details of past events such as B's birth and our engagement, etc}
Professional Goals:
  • Update Work Environment
    • I spent an extended time sitting in my cube, so why not make it pretty and efficient? My goal is to create a work space that is functional and inspiring
  • Extend Myself
    • Start hitting 40 hours a week if the work is there, and push to do a better job so my part in the company's day-to-day operations is helpful and appreciated
Creative Goals:
  • Keep Up StudioBlonde
    • I would like to have 200 posts in 2012; which means at least 4 posts a week
    • Make lists of what to write about; what interests me, readers...what will put the fire under my tush to keep me motivated
  • Pinterest
    • I've pinned way too much for my own good - now it's time to start completing projects, trying new recipes, and utilizing the creative ideas I've found to incorporate them into my own life
  • Finish 2011 Scrapbook, including Wedding
    • Complete at least 1 scrapbook page a week - Scrapbook Sunday or something! Make the time even if you have to plan througout the week just for the layout and throw it together one night...I never know when I will hit a creative road and finish 7, 8, 9 in one day!
Fitness Goals:
  • Lose 10 lbs
    • Eat better foods, both at work and home
    • Exercise when I find the time and motivation; even if it's just a half hour walk, but try to make it a priority three times a week
    • Drink more water - fill up the "sippy cup" instead of reaching for a soda
Those are a lot of goals, I know. But the beauty of it is they are all reachable and most of them are relative; I could easily see success in many of these immediately with a few small adjustments and it won't drastically change my life or schedule. Some will take time, others I can plan and organize for and intertwine between one another to "check them off" by next year.

So here's to a New a new challenge, a new chapter of this crazy thing called life.

What are your goals or resolutions for 2012?


  1. I NEVER set resolutions but I am going to set a few goals for this year. Then, I am going to frame them and put them in our office or somewhere I can see them often!!

    I like how specific your goals are and how you went into detail on how you were going to accomplish them!

  2. My goes are very similar to your! haha wouldn't you know:)

    I also like the idea how you didn't set resolutions but goals and didn't set huge goals but smaller ones so you won't fail.

    Hopefully we can keep each other motivated!

  3. I have a great excel budget if u want it...hmm...just gave me an idea for a blog post!! Good luck with your goals!

  4. @Sarah - the idea of framing them is awesome!

    @Corie - hmm is that why we're BFFs? :) You know more than anybody that I'm great at making excuses, so 2012 is just a small step.

    @Jamie - I saw your budget post and will definitely be using some ideas from your Excel budget! Congratulations on all your hard work!
