Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In My Head Right Now

Right now I am very, very grateful. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and everything I need. My girls are healthy, smart, beautiful and loving. My husband and I have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a bed to sleep in at night. We have plenty of luxuries that are taken for granted. Our life is good, and I am grateful to God that he has blessed us so abundantly.

This isn't to rub it in to anyone going through a hard time or struggling with health or anything like that. It's simply a reflection of my appreciation of the things I have in my life. I say many prayers for those facing medical struggles and one recently has reminded me that some face these hardships much sooner than they should. Bad things happen to good people. I need to remember all the things that truly make my life blessed and remind myself not to get upset over the petty things, because those won't matter even a week from now.

Stay close with your family, say "I love you" often, hug and kiss your children as often as you can, create memories to last a lifetime, and remember that even through hard times, you are blessed and not forgotten.

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