Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday's Tid Bits

  1. I was snooping on Black Friday ads that were leaked online and there are quite a few toys I'd like to get my hands on...and there are a few things that I wish I had an extra $1,000 for haha! I'm a little worried about BF this year though because of the economy and the craziness of people in the last year.
  2. I sat with B on the computer and looked through tons of toys and as much as I wish I could get her everything she asked for, it's so unrealistic because of the space! We literally cannot add anything else to the playroom at this time other than getting more of the same toy (ex: LEGO Friends, My Little Pony, etc) that can fill up the bin. But we will need to go through anyways and get rid of some, so we'll see.
  3. Speaking of the playroom, I'd really like to paint it, put down new carpet (or hardwood floors) and get new furniture for organization. Perhaps that stuff should be on my Christmas list just so it can get done!
  4. Ever since Daylight Saving Time Ended I have been so lazy! The week before that scrapbooking wore me out...but man this getting dark early is really getting to me! I don't want to do anything except snuggle up in bed and sleep...the cold doesn't help either!
  5. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my doctor to address something that has been bothering me throughout the miscarriage. I'm hoping for resolution - it's dragging out way too long!
  6. Also, tomorrow I have an appointment to get my hair done :) Going to try something a little different but I'm excited! Now if it would just flippin grow...
  7. Sometimes I look at the clock and wonder what the hell I did for the last four hours...does that happen to anybody else?
  8. My TD List is huge for this month, so I'm attempting to cut some of that down by having a small weekly list. Top of it: painting my nails (heehee!), getting a chore chart done, and making pierogies for my grandpa for this weekend. That's stuff I'd like to tackle by Thursday...along with a scrap page or two and a couple runs on the treadmill.
  9. Coming up with 10 things is especially hard this week. Am I that boring?
  10. Is it Friday yet?

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